Jun 7, 2024 by Wendy Hoke

How to Turn Your Summer Move into a Beach Vacation (Minus the Sand in Your Underwear)

Moving during the summer can be a real pain in the flip-flop, but with a little creativity and a lot of sunscreen, you can turn your move into a beach vacation… minus the sand in your underwear.
  1. Beach Towel Boxes: Pack your belongings in beach towels instead of boring old cardboard. Not only will it add a splash of color to your moving truck, but you’ll also have a ready-made beach setup when you arrive at your new home.
  2. Sunscreen Breaks: Every hour, on the hour, apply sunscreen to your face and arms. Not only will it protect you from the sun’s harmful rays, but it will also give you a much-needed break from the back-breaking work of moving.
  3. Iced Tea Refills: Keep a cooler of iced tea by your side at all times. Not only will it keep you hydrated, but it will also make you feel like you’re sipping cocktails on the beach. Just don’t forget the little umbrella.
  4. Sandcastle Building Breaks: Every time you finish unloading a box, take a break to build a sandcastle. It’s a great way to bond with your family and will make your new home feel like a beach house in no time.
  5. Beach Ball Unpacking: Instead of using boring old bubble wrap, use beach balls to protect your less-fragile items. Not only will it add a fun touch to your unpacking, but you’ll also have a ready-made game of beach ball volleyball when you’re done.
  6. Shaved Ice Breaks: Every time you finish a room, reward yourself with a shaved ice. Not only will it cool you down, but it will also make you feel like you’re eating a snow cone on the boardwalk.
  7. Beach Music Playlist: Create a playlist of your favorite beach tunes and blast it while you’re moving. Not only will it make the work go faster, but it will also transport you to a tropical paradise in your mind.
  8. Beach-Themed Packing Tape: Use beach-themed packing tape to seal your boxes. Not only will it add a fun touch to your packing, but it will also make your boxes look like they’re ready for a day at the beach.
  9. Beach-Themed Moving Truck: Rent a moving truck with a beach theme. Or dangle some leis from the rear view mirror. Not only will it make your move more fun, but it will also make you the envy of all your neighbors.
  10. Beach Themed Moving Party: Throw a beach-themed moving party when you arrive at your new home. Not only will it be a great way to celebrate your new home, but it will also make your move feel like a vacation.
So there you have it, 10 ways to turn your summer move into a beach vacation… minus the sand in your underwear. Just remember to wear sunscreen and stay hydrated, and you’ll be sipping cocktails on your new beach in no time.

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