May 27, 2022 by Wendy Hoke

Protect Your Items in a Storage Unit

 If you are moving soon, you may need to use a self-storage unit at some point. They are super handy, but you do need to prepare your items and properly protect them before leaving them locked up in a storage unit. Learn the best way to cover each of your belongings so they won’t get damaged. Here are a few popular storage items to keep in mind and the safest ways to pack each one: 

Preparing Fragile Items for Storage

When it comes to storing breakable items, you’re going to need a lot of boxes and packing protection. Enclose glass and other fragile items in bubble wrap before neatly organizing them inside a box. Strategic packing will minimize the risk of something breaking inside a container.  

If you’re interested in being a little more eco-friendly with your packing, consider using plastic tubs and towels that you can use again later. Instead of placing all of your linens in their own container, wrap them around breakable objects as padding in place of packing peanuts and other common storage materials. 

Wrapping Furniture for Storage

When placing furniture in storage, it’s important to properly wrap everything. Most storage facilities are quite clean, but this doesn’t mean your furniture will be completely safe from insects or other pests. To keep your items looking new, use plastic coverings to wrap and seal everything. With these in place, nothing will be able to get inside.  

For wooden furniture, dismantle anything you can so items are easier to transport. When you’re placing the pieces into the storage space, make sure you lay a sheet or some other material between items to avoid scratching. You could also clean and polish the furniture before placing it inside the storage space for a little extra protection.  

To keep track of screws and nuts that go to each item, place them in a plastic bag and tape the pouch to the object. This way, when you’re reassembling furniture in the future, you won’t have to spend hours digging through boxes for the right screws. Make sure the tape you’re using isn’t too strong – you want it to keep the bag in place, not remove the furniture’s finish. 

Preparing Electronics for Storage

Technology is expensive, and if you’re in the process of moving, you might need to place your TV, computer, and other electronics in storage. This is a good idea because most storage facilities have certain security measures in place that mean you won’t have to worry about your items being stolen. 

However, you do have to worry about dust clogging up important mechanisms. If your belongings are going to be in the unit for a while, you should wrap them in a heavy cloth to ensure dust particles don’t get in. It’s also a good idea to store your technical items in their original packaging. This makes transporting them a lot easier and gives the devices extra protection if they’re jostled during the move. 

Also, be sure to remove the batteries from your remotes and other electronics. Over time, your batteries may begin to leak. If your items are in storage for a significant amount of time, the leak may corrode your controller and potentially ruin it. Avoid this dilemma by placing the batteries in a baggie or throwing them away entirely. 

Final Thoughts 

In general, you should also make sure you’re putting everything you own into containers that have lids. This not only makes stacking items a lot easier, but you’ll be less likely to accidentally set something heavy on top of a fragile item. Don’t forget to label each container, too, so you can quickly find items in the future. 


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